Monday 3 March 2014

Week 3 Refining Images For Matte Painting

Matte Painting Study 

Week 3 Refining Images For Matte Painting 

This weeks blog is focusing on adding you images to the scene. Finding images is a hard thing to do. You would want to find images that would go together in your piece. Once you have gathered your images its time to start placing them in your matte painting.

Place your background image where the furthest mountain would be. Start from the furthest point and work you way to the front placing images.

Ctrl-T is going to be very helpfully when moving and rotation your images to fit your page. Be sure not to stretch your images to much because it will then make them pixelated and blurry. Holding down shift when using this method will keep your image proportions. 

When you have all you images together your final result will look something like this. Its now time to start cutting out all the unnecessary parts of your images. Your will find this part in my next blog.